niedziela, 4 listopada 2007

Wiesz że jesteś na Cyprze kiedy...

...everything gets fixed “tomorrow” have to turn on the hot water 30 minutes before you shower have to put your shit/piss rags in the garbage next to the toilet can jump off of a cliff into the Mediterranean almost get hit by cars everyday crossing the street because you don’t know where they’re coming from
...the US dollar means nothing because you use Cypriot pounds can come to class 15 minutes late on your cell phone but it doesn’t matter because your teacher isn’t even there yet drink Frappes and love them
...stores close at 1330 and don’t reopen until 1500 except Wednesdays when the Cypriots really just need a break
...every room has a remote control AC system
...P means R and V means N can still go to the beach in October
...there’s a furniture store on every block
...there’s a stray cat every 10 meters but some are dead
...the weather is always 30 degrees C and everything is always 200km away
...only have classes 3 days a week and you drink every single night
...your Cypriot friends live in villages and they have crazy hair
...Cypriot men think it’s stylish to wear capris and a wife beater
...the dean of your school drives you to the post office to pick up your packages're NEVER not happy because you're in Cyprus!
...people don't understand the concept of "personal space" and they cut you in line have microorganisms living in your foot ;) have to tell the doctors what to do

Znalezione w necie - wrzuciłam tylko te rzeczy które sama zdążyłam już przeżyć lub zobaczyć ;)
AA, no i jeszcze jedno zdjęcie: czy u nas gdziekolwiek na peryferiach miasta znajdziemy taką alejkę?? Bo tutaj jest ich naprawdę sporo!

1 komentarz:

  1. może kiedyś samamemu ze 2 punkty mnie spotkaja...

    A ta alejka "prawie" jak ulice w Łodzi ;-)
